50 States of Color: Flora & Fauna

“I think colors are miraculous. We live in a universe that is extremely creative and magical. We become happier as we appreciate these things in nature.”

-Alice Walker

color consultant


Life is riddled with trials and tribulations. For my family, none so much as these past couple of years. In early 2020 my husband and I took the leap to move permanently to our beloved Whidbey Island. We had visions of a simpler, richer life with much more time together… It started off blissfully! Then everything came to a screeching halt. As Covid cases began multiplying across the country, everything around us shut down. It was the craziest of times for sure. Our life certainly became simpler, and we definitely had much more time together. Finding richness took a bit more work. And though we found it by focusing on gratitude and growth, the year was still often filled with anxiety, uncertainty, loneliness and fear… 

So when 2021 began, I had ridiculously high hopes for a peaceful, gentle, Covid-free, family-filled, memory-making, amazing year... It started off blissfully! But then everything once again came to a screeching halt. In February, my nephew, Kyle Campbell, was diagnosed with leukemia while deployed in Saudi Arabia. He lived only 20 days after that diagnosis… The family reunion we were planning for late spring, to finally gather together again and welcome Kyle home, turned into a somber celebration of his short life. Instead of joy and laughter and hugs without fear, we cried and clung to one another, desperate to make the pain disappear… None of us will ever be the same after these past two years. Pain this intense changes people to their core.

I still struggle with grief, but the one thing that always helps to ease my pain is time in nature. When Covid was raging, we got outside almost daily as we had little else to distract us or require our time. We went on nature walks. We hiked. Beach combed. Kayaked. Took bike rides… The beauty on Whidbey is always extraordinary, but it became even more profound when it was the highlight of our day. We began noticing it in the smallest of things- a tiny seashell, a flower bud, a fuzzy honey bee, song birds, crashing waves, a bird nest, falling leaves… We would come home refreshed and renewed. And after Kyle passed, I began spending even more time outside, hours each day... Nature has become a balm to my soul that I desperately need.

In May I decided to embark on a project that blends my love of nature with my love of color. I originally debuted this project my first year as a color consultant. I collected photos from budding photographers from all over the country, one photo for each of the 50 states. I then added a corresponding color-palette and shared it on social media. Not only did I meet lovely photographers, but my followers’ eyes were opened to the beautiful colors that surround us each day.

This new project (which begins TODAY! Wooohooo!) is titled 50 States of COLOR: Flora & Fauna. I’ve spent the past couple of months connecting with nature photographers from all over the country, choosing gorgeous photos of plants and animals, to color and share with all of you. I hope you will check out their work, give them a follow, and show your support. I’m still collecting photos from around the country, so please reach out if you’re interested in participating!

An article written by Louise Delagran, MA, MEd for the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota states that, “… viewing scenes of nature reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings.” So my hope is that as Covid continues ravaging many communities and hearts continue to break with the loss of loved ones, that this project will help to bring us all pleasant feelings, sparks of joy, and a bit of healing. I hope you’ll share your thoughts and perhaps pieces of your own healing journeys.

Always colorfully yours-