How To Do a Color Walk!

color consultation
color consultation

I walk. I walk A LOT. Sometimes I walk alone, but often I walk with my husband, with my mom, or with my dog. We walk for exercise. We walk to talk. We walk to stare at the water. And during 2020, we walked to keep our sanity while isolating from most everyone! Walking is simply good for the soul.

Often though, when I’m out walking, I find that I get lost in my thoughts and that I’m not paying attention to the beauty around me. But years ago, when I first started my color business, I came up with a new reason to take a walk. And on these new walks, I became aware of everything. I called these walks Color Walks. I encourage you to take one! Here is how they work: 

color consultation
  • Walk out your door with your smart phone in hand.

  • Walk until you find a color that appeals to you and take a picture of it. (Allow the color to choose you. Do not leave the house with a color in mind. That would be cheating. No cheaters allowed!) 

  • Continue walking and wandering until you see the same color again. Take another picture.

  • Continue walking until you have at least 5 photos of the chosen color and then meander home. 

  • Upload the photos to Facebook or Instagram and then tag me! 

For me, Color Walks keep me in the moment. My eyes are searching everywhere for the next site of my chosen color. They often have me meandering through new neighborhoods or up different streets, searching for that next photo. Colors Walks have inspired my friends, and even strangers, to get outside with their cameras and start walking and looking for color. Many of these people created Color Walk Collages and shared them with me. COLOR Walks seemed to make them happy. And that makes me happy.  So get out your smart phone and get going. There are colors waiting to choose you!